The Best Way to Smoke Weed in Your Apartment

You may enjoy the effects cannabis has on your body but aren’t too fond of the smell!

Maybe it’s your roommates who are giving you the evil eye every time you light up, your landlord who has banned any form of smoke in your apartment, or other apartment dwellers who dislike the odour. Apartment living has many perks, but having to go outside to smoke isn't one of them.

Whatever the reason may be, the fact of the matter is that now you’ve come here looking for the best way to smoke weed in your apartment without the smell. We’ve got you covered.

Stay tuned for information in this article on how to smoke in your home without it smelling, how to smoke weed in an apartment and not get caught, and our complete list of Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to the most discrete and best way to smoke weed in your apartment complex.

How to Smoke Weed in an Apartment Without The Smell

There are so many options nowadays for the best way to smoke weed in your apartment without having to worry about your roommates or the neighbours complaining. We’re about to share them all with you, including the effectiveness of each, starting with the most old school methods to the new age fail safes.

Keep reading until the end of the list, where we share the most effective methods!

1. Wet Towel Method


Alright, folks. We’ll start here as it’s the methods you’ve probably all heard about or seen in a teenage movie or two. Things have come a long way from the days when soaking a towel in water and covering the opening at the bottom of your door seemed like the best option when trying to be discrete about smoking weed in your bedroom or smoking weed in your apartment bathroom. 

We’d rate this method as being half effective as it only really prevents the cannabis smoke from leaking out of your room and into your flat. Unless you plan on cracking your window wide open and barricading your door for 24 h or however long it takes to vent out your room, then we’d probably say it’s best to find another more effective method than this one. 

On another note, if you don’t mind being a hermit at home, this is probably one of the most cost-effective options! In addition, this method has helped countless numbers of medical marijuana users fly under the radar of any property owner over the years.

2. Mix In Herbal Blends


If your roommates or landlord don’t mind cigarette smoke but are only bothered by the presence of marijuana smoke, then it may be worth a shot mixing in a herbal blend with your weed. 

When you smoke the joint, it will smell more like smoked flowers than weed which may be just enough of a scent to convince your roommates that you’re not actually smoking weed.

3. Vaping Cannabis or Concentrates

This is one of the most effective ways to take a hit without the strong odour. If you’re interested in vaping, take a look at some of the most popular vape pens on the market. There are many cannabis products that you can consume with very little or no smell. These products have been the latest movers and shakers in the marijuana smoking scene.

Vaping both cannabis and concentrates does produce an odour, but dabs are much less obvious than smoking a joint. The smell of weed is more of a chemical smell that will not leak throughout the apartment building.

4. Odor Reducing Candles

If you’re using the Wet Towel Method or mixing your weed with Herbal Blends and are concerned about the leftover smell when smoking weed in a closed space like your room, you can try lighting an odour-reducing candle. 

You can buy these online or in Head Shops. Check out some reviews before buying to know which ones are the most effective in getting rid of the smell. An odour-reducing candle like the Cannabis Killer should do the trick just fine. 

Plus, when you use candles, neighbours and tenants think you are trying to improve your apartment setting.

5. Use An Air Purifier

If you’re smoking weed in your apartment, it’s best to have an air purifier on. If left on overnight, by the morning, the stench should be virtually gone. The smell of cannabis doesn't last nearly as long as tobacco smoke, so if your landlord is popping in tomorrow, you should be safe!

6. Use A Smoke Filter

If you want to know how to smoke weed in your apartment without it smelling, one of the best ways to achieve this is using a smoke filter (better known as a “Sploof”). You can easily make one with a toilet paper roll, elastic rubber band, cotton wool (or dryer sheets), and a piece of material. 

To assemble your homemade smoke filter, take the toilet paper tube and, on one end, secure the piece of material with an elastic band. On the other side, stuff the roll full of cotton wool. When you exhale into the smoke filter, the smoke will absorb into the cotton, including the scent. The reason to use dryer sheets came from a little stoner ingenuity; the sploof will give the area in your residence a lovely aroma.

If you’re not too confident in your crafting abilities, then we’d suggest opting for an already made, tried and tested personal smoke air filter like the SmokeBuddy or if you want the best of the best, then check out the Sploofy.

7. Opt For A Bong

Although it appears at the end of our list, it’s actually the most effective method we’d suggest if you want to know how to smoke marijuana in your apartment without it smelling. The bong glass will keep in all the scent from the smoke, and you won’t have to worry about anything leaching out.

Smoke Without Getting Caught

Smoking weed in your apartment bathroom, smoking weed on the apartment balcony or even in your room? What's the best place to smoke without getting caught? It would be best if you didn’t have to worry about this risk. Rest assured, there are many precautions you can take to eliminate the likelihood of having anyone find out that you smoke marijuana.

If you’re not interested in giving up smoking and switching to consuming edibles instead, then we’d highly suggest taking a look below at our Do’s & Don’ts list to know what you should and shouldn’t do to be discrete about smoking weed in your apartment. We don't want to let your apartment situation get in the way of your cannabis use!

Do’s & Don’ts: Smoking Weed in Your Apartment

Don’t risk having anyone find out that you smoke weed. The last thing you want is a weed smoke aroma wafting from your front door when another tenant is wandering the residence.

Follow our list of Do’s & Don’ts for how to smoke weed in an apartment and not get caught!


  • Keep all your weed in a smell proof weed container
  • If you’re concerned about getting caught, mix in some herbal blends with your weed so that the smell when smoked doesn’t resemble weed
  • Opt to smoke weed in your apartment bathroom if you’re worried about the odour. The steam from the shower and the vent from the fan will take out most of the scent from the bathroom
  • Use a Bong! Glass doesn’t leak out scent as paper would
  • Disarm the smoke alarm in the room you are smoking in OR cover the smoke alarm with a shower cap to keep the smoke from getting to the alarm
  • Use a sploof so people can't recognize the marijuana aroma.
  • Smoke weed in the bathroom with the shower on if you want to be discrete. It’s common for people to occupy the bathroom for extended periods of time. Therefore, it won’t seem odd to your roommates if you’re in there for more than 30 min.


  • Leave vents open in the room so that the smoke will make its way to other parts of the apartment or building. The last thing you want is complaints from other tenants.
  • Forget to wash your hands. Yes, it’s a simple tip, but sometimes we forget how much the scent of smoke can leach into our skin. 
  • Discount vape pens; tend to leave way less scent than smoking on paper.

What’s The Verdict?

In our well-researched opinion, the answer to the best way to smoke weed in your apartment is by utilizing a combination of methods depending on the location within your flat that you plan to smoke your pot in.

Remember, there are tenancy laws that landlords can exercise. Many people don't like pot; if there are complaints, you may lose your security deposit and perhaps even your lease. When considering the option to use marijuana inside, think about who the people are around you. Is your section of the building marijuana-friendly? Don't sacrifice your unit lease!

Even with a medical marijuana card, you may not be able to use your product inside.

If smoking weed on the apartment balcony, we'd suggest using a bong or if you want to be more discrete, then your best bet is purchasing a personal smoke filter like the Sploofy. Vape pens are also highly effective to use inside your apartment and are one of the best ways to smoke weed in your apartment without the smell. Finally, for that smoking marijuana in the apartment bathroom, it's best to light an odour-reducing candle in combination with a smoke filter.

You're now equipped with the knowledge on all the best methods of smoking weed in your apartment without the smell; we hope you enjoyed the article; the only thing left to do is choose your strain and enjoy your smoking experience.

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