If you live in a country with strict cannabis laws, you become incredibly creative when finding the best places to smoke weed without being caught.
But here in Canada, we have it easy! There are plenty of good spots to smoke weed. So we'd like to outline some of the best smoke spots.
Fortunately, most of the time, you’ll be able to smoke weed unnoticed, even if you do it in public places. All you need to do is find the perfect smoke spot for enjoying the herb, do it discreetly, and be respectful of others around you.
What is the best place to smoke weed in public? How to find a good place to smoke marijuana outside your home? What are the best countries to enjoy weed legally? Fasten your seatbelts, please, as we’re going to leave no stone unturned in finding the exact answer for each of these questions.

Source: Elite Daily
What are the best Smoke Spots?
Truth to be said, there’s one place to smoke weed where you most likely won’t get caught by anyone.
Smoke Cannabis at Home
If you don’t live with your parents anymore, who cares if you light one up from time to time? After all, your home is your castle, and nobody should disturb your peace there. Also, as stoners, going outside all the time is taxing.
If you smoke weed at home in an apartment, keep in mind that it’s best to do it on the balcony so that the smell doesn’t go through the installation (this applies only to people who live in a flat or apartment with other neighbours in the block.)
Otherwise, your neighbours may feel the pungent odour of marijuana. As far as neighbours are concerned, it’s one thing if they don’t have anything against someone smoking pot in the condo, but god forbid one of them has been fooled by the reefer madness – such people are particularly annoying and may even sell you out to cops. Having your house raided by the police is anything but pleasant; in fact, it may be a traumatic experience for some people, so if you’re a regular smoker, it might be a good idea to take a walk to a discreet place to prevent dark scenarios from happening.
However, if you decide to smoke weed at home, be prepared to ensure yourself enough safety not to feel anxious in your own house. That being said, we suggest you purchase a smell-proof weed container that will keep the pungent aroma of weed sealed inside. Aerating your room each time you’re done will come in handy, too, and if you can use the courtesy of having the AC at your place, it’s all the better. Most times, the smell dissipates in a day or so.

Source: NY Daily News
Last but not least, you might want to consider switching from smoking to vaping weed. Vaporizers are low-profile devices that prove invaluable for discreet smoking, both at home and in public places.
Alas, some people still live with their parents or roommates who don’t share their enthusiasm about marijuana, and thus, they rarely have the opportunity to smoke at home. But, fear not, as there are still plenty of places to smoke weed in public.
Read on to find your perfect spot.
Best Places to Smoke Weed Outside?
Unless you’re lighting up in the middle of a crowded street, you can easily get away with smoking weed. In fact, most people are either positive about marijuana or don’t give a damn if someone sparks a doobie. Given this, if you don’t indulge yourself in weed in an insolent way – and by the insolent way, I mean smoking near children – you’re going to be all good.
Nevertheless, there are some perfect places to smoke weed outside, and below you’ll find the list of best spots to light up on the go.
Smoke Outdoors In a Park

Source: CNBC
Take a walk in a park and search for low-profile weed smoke spots. Not only is the park a good way to start the day by having some physical activity, but you’ll hardly get noticed by anyone if you have control over the surroundings. Besides, a joint tastes better when smoked in the bounty of nature, so why not give yourself some double green pleasure?
However, when you’re in a park with cannabis, don’t act as if you just carried a bag of coke because it may raise suspicions. Instead, just be yourself and when lighting up, take a look over the space around you. Got the green light? Burn one, dispose of the roach, and return home – simple as that.
Go to a Concert

Source: Visit London
Although concerts and festivals are supposed to be cannabis-free, there’s no better place to smoke weed in public. If you have some pre-rolled thing with you, conceal it in a place where the regular control at the gates won’t search for weed. But, of course, that is if you come to the concert alone. On the other hand, if you and your boo have a concert date, she can always hide the stash in her bra. Then, once you make it close to the stage (this is a good spot), all you have to worry about is that someone didn’t ask you to share your blunt if they feel this seducing smell in the air.
Do It on the Countryside…

Source: Daily Mail
Ready for the ultimate serenity far away from the overwhelming noise and other people? Pack your bags, grab your best strains, and leave the town. Maybe there’s a nice holiday retreat not so far from the city, or you have your own summerhouse where you like to cherish the peace? Just go there!
Countrysides are far less crowded than larger agglomerations, so it goes without saying that it’s safer to do it there. People believe that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, but as far as I’m concerned, calm is a new beauty. Last but not least, you don’t need to have eyes all around your head when there are few if any people around – less stress, more joy, that’s how I like it.
… Or at the Beach

Source: Green Rush Daily
Beaches go by the same token as countryside's do. And while it may not be the smartest idea to light up in the middle of the summer when beaches are crowded with families, doing so in the evening might get you some of the best weed moments in your entire life. So when the beach is not stuffed with people, take your cozy blanket, get yourself some warm clothes, and listen to the calming sound of the waving sea while puffing thick clouds of nature. You’ll love it!
Apartment Rooftops? Count me in!

Source: Dreamstime.com
Now, if you’re living with your parents yet you can access the apartment rooftops, you may still consider yourself lucky. One of the greatest advantages of lighting up on a rooftop is that things will go right up the sky without passing through your neighbours’ windows. So even if they are against weed, you don’t need to go to a park each time you want to revel in your goodies. Better yet, should someone notice you from the street, you have enough time to destroy any evidence and leave the rooftop.
Cannabis Enthusiast Rallies and Events

Source: Holimary
Any times you find yourself on a weed rally or marijuana-related event, feel free to have a smoke session. Such events are usually held in weed-friendly countries where cannabis has been, at least, decriminalized, so no one will even think of searching your pockets for weed in such places.
Smoking blunts with other stoners on a large stoner party – a true stoner reception.
Get High on a Boat

Looking for good smoke spots outdoors? If you’re on holiday, the chances are that there will be a boat rental somewhere around your place. A boat is one of the most epic places to blaze, so if you haven’t done it yet, it’s high time you grew a pair of green balls and did it. Smoking marijuana when a boat is floating on the water makes the whole experience even more soothing. Just make sure whoever is driving stays sober!
How do you find a good smoke spot?
Finding good smoke spots isn't too difficult if you don't live right in the middle of a city. There are plenty of parks and outdoor spaces to go where it's perfectly legal. Also, with the stigma around cannabis reducing, the average person isn't offended by the smell.
How do you smoke in your parents house?
That is between you and your parents. Want to know how to smoke weed in your parent's house? Get your own house, so when they kick you out, you have somewhere to go. All jokes aside, go for a walk or something and avoid the trouble of smoking in the house; there are better spots to blaze.
Can I smoke weed in my car Ontario?
You can't smoke weed in your vehicle in Ontario because this would indicate you may be driving under the influence. As well, it's best not to consume cannabis in your car at all because the smell will linger, raising suspicion if you are ever pulled over.
Where can you smoke in Ontario?
You can smoke anywhere outside in Toronto within the legal limits away from building entrances, air ducts, or on private property where a pot-friendly area is defined.
Best Countries to Smoke Weed Legally

Source: Big Buds Magazine
Planning a trip as a stoner entails crossing out all weed-hostile countries unless you don’t mind taking a tolerance break for a week. So when making vacation plans, include these destinations in your list if you want to spend an awesome pot week off.
In most countries where marijuana is illegal, you may face serious legal consequences for simply possessing the weed. Sentences vary between different nations, from fines and relatively short jail time (with an option to suspend the execution of the sentence) to capital punishment. That being said, you don’t want to get caught with weed for the sake of your own safety.
Canada of Course!
You can safely and legally find a smoking spot from British Columbia to Toronto Island plus everywhere across Canada. But, of course, Toronto is the biggest city that offers delivery services.
USA: Colorado, California, And Washington
Believe it or not, it’s been over 5 years since weed has been legal in Colorado. Yes, recreational use of merry jane has been a part of the social life in Colorado since 2012. It’s hands down one of the best and safest smoke spots. As long as you’re 21 years or older, you can fully participate in the US pot culture in the state. More interestingly, if you’re a Colorado resident, you can possess up to an ounce of weed.
As for California, let’s face it; this state has always been one of the largest weed capitals in the world. Snoop Dogg, 2Pac, and even the Beatles were indulging in the herb in California. Now, after the weed is legal here, you can walk down the streets of Los Angeles with a blunt in your hand without worrying about getting caught by an officer who’s just had a bad day and spotted a serious drug offender with a plant.
Washington may not be the most popular destination for tourists, but it’s a completely safe place to smoke weed legally. According to Initiative 502, all Americans (and tourists) are allowed to consume marijuana in Washington. Plus, one of the largest cannabis parties in the USA, the Hemp Fest, takes place in Seattle.
The Netherlands is a role model for every country that tries to legalize weed. Also known as the green lungs of Western Europe, Amsterdam is one of the safest places in the world to light up. If a police patrol drives by, all they’re going to do is smile at you and let you roll one in peace, as long as you don’t do it near schools or churches. Interestingly, although you’re not permitted to smoke weed in public, most people in the city will tolerate it. Besides, you’ll find the top-notch quality weed in the Netherlands, and the abundance of strains you can select from is truly outstanding.
Czech Republic
Since the decriminalization of weed in the Czech Republic, its capital city, Prague, smells with the pungent aroma of cannabis. You can have up to 5 grams for possession and grow as much as 5 plants at home, which is pretty awesome if you ask me. In addition, Czech Republic offers some of the most wonderful surroundings in south-eastern Europe, not to mention that some of the best cannabis and hemp fests on the continent take place in this country. Although selling weed is still illegal and you won’t find a single coffee shop there, you may expect so-called mobile cannabis clubs which are low-profile and change their location quite often to avoid being caught red-handed. These cannabis clubs offer good quality weed, contrary to street dealers who usually sell crap to tourists.
You wouldn’t normally expect a South American country to be one of the first states jumping aboard the marijuana legalization ship, would you? Well, Uruguay is the second pioneer country to build a reasonable legal framework regarding hemp and cannabis. Since 2013, citizens of Uruguay and visitors can freely order the herb at an unbelievably low price, namely $2.50 a gram. Looking for an exotic holiday destination with beautiful and safe places to smoke weed? Uruguay is the answer.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom has not legalized weed, but it is easy to find, and most others in the city and countryside are okay with it. That being said, don't have a smoke session anywhere.
Where to Smoke Weed Safely
As it is said, you’re better safe than sorry. So with that in mind, I’ve gathered a couple of smart tips for smoking weed in public places without getting caught:
- Act naturally. Seriously, the more you try to hide, the less you succeed. That said, act all natural, as if you were having a cigarette. Just be sure not to blow smoke in people’s faces.
- Among cigarettes smokers. People who use cigarettes probably don’t care about smoke in general, so given that their sense of smell is less sensitive due to their ‘habits’, you’ll be safer lighting up among other smokers.
- Cars are bad smoke spots. This is the most dumb thing you can do to yourself. There is limited space and if you smoke inside your vehicle, it will be damn hard to get rid of the characteristic smell of your buds. On top of that, there’s nowhere to hide or throw away your stash, so if cops pull over for a check, you’re going to have a hard time explaining yourself.
- Chew a gum. Not only are chewing gums lifesavers when it comes to dealing with cottonmouth, but they also reduce any after smell that can come out of your mouth when you talk to people.
- Use a vaporizer. A portable vape pen is wonderful for outdoor weed sessions. These devices are stealthy and the aroma they produce doesn’t hit as hard as when smoking pot. The only problem is that you can’t dispose of a vaporizer if the situation gets dangerous. I mean, you can, but it will be your most expensive safe card ever.
- Don’t smoke near schools, playgrounds, churches, or institutions of public trust. Such areas are usually navigated by police patrols, so there’s a higher risk you’ll get caught smoking weed. Believe me, it will be well worth walking a couple of steps away and not raise suspicions.
The Final Note
To conclude, let’s say that finding a good place to smoke weed when you live in a weed-hostile country doesn’t take much effort. First of all, you can smoke in the comfort of your home, as long as you don’t live with your parents or any roommates anymore. Second, if privacy is something you can’t afford, there are plenty of places to go outside. It may be a park, a concert, the countryside, or an apartment rooftop. Finally, look around your neighbourhood and see if there are any low-profile, weed-friendly spots nearby.
Wherever you choose to light up, always keep in mind that it’s best to act normally while taking all necessary safety measures so that you don’t get caught with your stash. Finally, the world is big enough for cannabis-friendly countries, too, so if you’re planning a trip abroad, consider the aforementioned countries in your list of places to visit – it will be a hell of a weed holiday!
Do you have any favourite places where you like to go? Please share your stories with us! We hope you can find the perfect smoking location with your friends!